Strategy and Coaching for Lawyers

Your Ego Is Not Your Amigo

Your Ego Is Not Your Amigo

How true is this? As part of the human condition, we often say and do things primarily to make ourselves feel better. Egoic behavior is usually impulsive and it often happens in the heat of a moment, without fully considering the consequences of our actions. Not surprisingly, it’s easy to come across as offensive or even harmful to others and cause damage- whether you intended it or not. Hence the old saying “Act in haste, repent in leisure.” It’s just not a good look, and we often live to regret the consequences. In that way, your ego certainly isn’t your amigo. Eckart Tolle wrote extensively about the perils of egoic thinking in his bestseller book The New Earth which I highly recommend.

Lawyers working in an adversary system (especially young ones trying to prove themselves) can really struggle with egoic behavior to the point where it defines them and affects their reputation. For that reason, I’m quick to label it whenever I spot it in lawyers I work with. “Your Ego Is Not Your Amigo” has proven to be an incredibly effective coaching tool because lawyers tend to repeat it to me- which acknowledges that they’re being mindful and catching ego-driven thoughts as they traverse the short distance between their brain and mouth. That’s a great accomplishment- especially for lawyers. #eckarttolle